랩: Azure Blueprints


When you learn how to create and assign blueprints, you can define common patterns to develop reusable and rapidly deployable configurations based on Azure Resource Manager templates, policy, security, and more. In this tutorial, you learn to use Azure Blueprints to do some of the common tasks related to creating, publishing, and assigning a blueprint within your organization. These tasks include:

  • Create a new blueprint and add various supported artifacts
  • Make changes to an existing blueprint still in Draft
  • Mark a blueprint as ready to assign with Published
  • Assign a blueprint to an existing subscription
  • Check the status and progress of an assigned blueprint
  • Remove a blueprint that has been assigned to a subscription

Exercise 1: Create a blueprint in the portal

Task 1: Create a blueprint

The first step in defining a standard pattern for compliance is to compose a blueprint from the available resources. In this example, create a new blueprint named MyBlueprint to configure role and policy assignments for the subscription. Then add a new resource group, and create a Resource Manager template and role assignment on the new resource group.

  1. Select All services in the left pane. Search for and select Blueprints.

  2. Select Blueprint definitions from the page on the left and select the + Create blueprint button at the top of the page.

    Or, select Create from the Getting started page to go straight to creating a blueprint.


  3. Provide a Blueprint name such as MyBlueprint. (Use up to 48 letters and numbers, but no spaces or special characters). Leave Blueprint description blank for now.

  4. In the Definition location box, select the ellipsis on the right, select your subscription where you want to save the blueprint, and choose Select.

  5. Verify that the information is correct. The Blueprint name and Definition location fields can’t be changed later. Then select Next : Artifacts at the bottom of the page or the Artifacts tab at the top of the page.

  6. Add a role assignment at the subscription level:

  7. Select the + Add artifact row under Subscription. The Add artifact window opens on the right side of the browser.

  8. Select Role assignment for Artifact type.

  9. Under Role, select Contributor. Leave the Add user, app or group box with the check box that indicates a dynamic parameter.

  10. Select Add to add this artifact to the blueprint.


    Note: Most artifacts support parameters. A parameter that’s assigned a value during blueprint creation is a static parameter. If the parameter is assigned during blueprint assignment, it’s a dynamic parameter.

  11. Add a policy assignment at the subscription level:

  12. Select the + Add artifact row under the role assignment artifact.

  13. Select Policy assignment for Artifact type.

  14. Change Type to Built-in. In Search, enter tag.

  15. Click out of Search for the filtering to occur. Select Append tag and its default value to resource groups.

  16. Select Add to add this artifact to the blueprint.

  17. Select the row of the policy assignment Append tag and its default value to resource groups.

  18. The window to provide parameters to the artifact as part of the blueprint definition opens and allows setting the parameters for all assignments (static parameters) based on this blueprint instead of during assignment (dynamic parameters). This example uses dynamic parameters during blueprint assignment, so leave the defaults and select Cancel.

  19. Add a resource group at the subscription level:

  20. Select the + Add artifact row under Subscription.

  21. Select Resource group for Artifact type.

  22. Leave the Artifact display name, Resource Group Name, and Location boxes blank, but make sure that the check box is checked for each parameter property to make them dynamic parameters.

  23. Select Add to add this artifact to the blueprint.

  24. Add a template under the resource group:

  25. Select the + Add artifact row under the ResourceGroup entry.

  26. Select Azure Resource Manager template for Artifact type, set Artifact display name to StorageAccount, and leave Description blank.

  27. On the Template tab in the editor box, paste the following Resource Manager template. After you paste the template, select the Parameters tab and note that the template parameters storageAccountType and location were detected. Each parameter was automatically detected and populated, but configured as a dynamic parameter.

                "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/      2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
                "contentVersion": "",
                "parameters": {
                    "storageAccountType": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS",
                        "allowedValues": [
                        "metadata": {
                            "description": "Storage Account type"
                    "location": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().location]",
                        "metadata": {
                            "description": "Location for all resources."
                "variables": {
                    "storageAccountName": "[concat('store', uniquestring      (resourceGroup().id))]"
                "resources": [{
                    "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
                    "name": "[variables('storageAccountName')]",
                    "location": "[parameters('location')]",
                    "apiVersion": "2018-07-01",
                    "sku": {
                        "name": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]"
                    "kind": "StorageV2",
                    "properties": {}
                "outputs": {
                    "storageAccountName": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "[variables('storageAccountName')]"
  28. Clear the storageAccountType check box and note that the drop-down list contains only values included in the Resource Manager template under allowedValues. Select the box to set it back to a dynamic parameter.

  29. Select Add to add this artifact to the blueprint.


  30. Your completed blueprint should look similar to the following. Notice that each artifact has x out of y parameters populated in the Parameters column. The dynamic parameters are set during each assignment of the blueprint.


  31. Now that all planned artifacts have been added, select Save Draft at the bottom of the page.

Task 2: Edit a blueprint

In Create a blueprint, you didn’t provide a description or add the role assignment to the new resource group. You can fix both by following these steps:

  1. Select Blueprint definitions from the page on the left.

  2. In the list of blueprints, right-click the one that you previously created and select Edit blueprint.

  3. In Blueprint description, provide some information about the blueprint and the artifacts that compose it. In this case, enter something like: This blueprint sets tag policy and role assignment on the subscription, creates a ResourceGroup, and deploys a resource template and role assignment to that ResourceGroup.

  4. Select Next : Artifacts at the bottom of the page or the Artifacts tab at the top of the page.

  5. Add a role assignment under the resource group:

  6. Select the + Add artifact row directly under the ResourceGroup entry.

  7. Select Role assignment for Artifact type.

  8. Under Role, select Owner, and clear the check box under the Add user, app or group box.

  9. Search for and select a user, app, or group to add. This artifact uses a static parameter set the same in every assignment of this blueprint.

  10. Select Add to add this artifact to the blueprint.


  11. Your completed blueprint should look similar to the following. Notice that the newly added role assignment shows 1 out of 1 parameters populated. That means it’s a static parameter.


  12. Select Save Draft now that it has been updated.

Task 3: Publish a blueprint

Now that all the planned artifacts have been added to the blueprint, it’s time to publish it. Publishing makes the blueprint available to be assigned to a subscription.

  1. Select Blueprint definitions from the page on the left.

  2. In the list of blueprints, right-click the one you previously created and select Publish blueprint.

  3. In the pane that opens, provide a Version (letters, numbers, and hyphens with a maximum length of 20 characters), such as v1. Optionally, enter text in Change notes, such as First publish.

  4. Select Publish at the bottom of the page.

Task 4: Assign a blueprint

After a blueprint has been published, it can be assigned to a subscription. Assign the blueprint that you created to one of the subscriptions under your management group hierarchy. If the blueprint is saved to a subscription, it can only be assigned to that subscription.

  1. Select Blueprint definitions from the page on the left.

  2. In the list of blueprints, right-click the one that you previously created (or select the ellipsis) and select Assign blueprint.

  3. On the Assign blueprint page, in the Subscription drop-down list, select the subscriptions that you want to deploy this blueprint to.

    If there are supported Enterprise offerings available from Azure Billing, a Create new link is activated under the Subscription box. Follow these steps:

    a. Select the Create new link to create a new subscription instead of selecting existing ones.

    b. Provide a Display name for the new subscription.

    c. Select the available Offer from the drop-down list.

    d. Use the ellipsis to select the management group that the subscription will be a child of.

    e. Select Create at the bottom of the page.


    Important: The new subscription is created immediately after you select Create.

    Note: An assignment is created for each subscription that you select. You can make changes to a single subscription assignment at a later time without forcing changes on the remainder of the selected subscriptions.

  4. For Assignment name, provide a unique name for this assignment.

  5. In Location, select a region for the managed identity and subscription deployment object to be created in. Azure Blueprint uses this managed identity to deploy all artifacts in the assigned blueprint.

  6. Leave the Blueprint definition version drop-down selection of Published versions on the v1 entry. (The default is the most recently published version.)

  7. For Lock Assignment, leave the default of Don’t Lock.


  8. Under Managed Identity, leave the default of System assigned.

  9. For the subscription level role assignment [User group or application name] : Contributor, search for and select a user, app, or group.

  10. For the subscription level policy assignment, set Tag Name to CostCenter and the Tag Value to ContosoIT.

  11. For ResourceGroup, provide a Name of StorageAccount and a Location of East US 2 from the drop-down list.

    Note: For each artifact that you added under the resource group during blueprint definition, that artifact is indented to align with the resource group or object that you’ll deploy it with. Artifacts that either don’t take parameters or have no parameters to be defined at assignment are listed only for contextual information.

  12. On the Azure Resource Manager template StorageAccount, select Standard_GRS for the storageAccountType parameter.

  13. Read the information box at the bottom of the page, and then select Assign.

Task 5: Track deployment of a blueprint

When a blueprint has been assigned to one or more subscriptions, two things happen:

  • The blueprint is added to the Assigned blueprints page for each subscription.
  • The process of deploying all the artifacts defined by the blueprint begins.

    Now that the blueprint has been assigned to a subscription, verify the progress of the deployment:

  1. Select Assigned blueprints from the page on the left.

  2. In the list of blueprints, right-click the one that you previously assigned and select View assignment details.


  3. On the Blueprint assignment page, validate that all artifacts were successfully deployed and that there were no errors during the deployment. If errors occurred, see Troubleshooting blueprints for steps to determine what went wrong.

Task 6: Unassign a blueprint

If you no longer need a blueprint assignment, remove it from a subscription. The blueprint might have been replaced by a newer blueprint with updated patterns, policies, and designs. When a blueprint is removed, the artifacts assigned as part of that blueprint are left behind. To remove a blueprint assignment, follow these steps:

  1. Select Assigned blueprints from the page on the left.

  2. In the list of blueprints, select the blueprint that you want to unassign. Then select the Unassign blueprint button at the top of the page.

  3. Read the confirmation message and then select OK.

Task 6: Delete a blueprint

  1. Select Blueprint definitions from the page on the left.

  2. Right-click the blueprint that you want to delete, and select Delete blueprint. Then select Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Note: Deleting a blueprint in this method also deletes all published versions of the selected blueprint. To delete a single version, open the blueprint, select the Published versions tab, select the version that you want to delete, and then select Delete This Version. Also, you can’t delete a blueprint until you’ve deleted all blueprint assignment of that blueprint definition.

| WARNING: Prior to continuing you should remove all resources used for this lab. To do this in the Azure Portal click Resource groups. Select any resources groups you have created. On the resource group blade click Delete Resource group, enter the Resource Group Name and click Delete. Repeat the process for any additional Resource Groups you may have created. Failure to do this may cause issues with other labs. | | — |

Results: You have now completed this lab.